On September 19, 2016, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) published proposed rules to list two species of dolphin and two species of guitarfish under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NMFS proposes to list the Maui’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) as endangered under the ESA and the South Island Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori), the common guitarfish (Rhinobatos rhinobatos) and the blackchin guitarfish (Rhinobatos cemiculus) as threatened under the ESA. Both subspecies of dolphin occur only in New Zealand. The two guitarfish species occur in the subtropical waters of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. According to the Federal Register, the public comment periods for the proposed rules close on November 18, 2016.
On September 20, 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published a proposed rule to list the ‘i’iwi (Drepani coccinea, also known as the Hawaiian honeycreeper) as threatened under the ESA. The ‘i’iwi is found primarily in closed canopy montane wet or montane mesic forests composed of tall stature ohia or ohia and koa tree mixed forest. The species is known to occur on the islands of Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii with populations in various states of decline. A few individual birds have been identified on the islands of Oahu and Molokai, and ‘i’iwi have been extirpated from the island of Lanai. According to the Federal Register, the public comment period for the proposed rule closes on November 21, 2016.
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Brooke Marcus is a natural resources lawyer focused on assisting the renewable energy sector with maintaining compliance with environmental laws. She is go-to counsel for matters involving the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the ...
Nossaman’s Endangered Species Law & Policy blog focuses on news, events, and policies affecting endangered species issues in California and throughout the United States. Topics include listing and critical habitat decisions, conservation and recovery planning, inter-agency consultation, and related developments in law, policy, and science. We also inform readers about regulatory and legislative developments, as well as key court decisions.
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